A new and modern clinic in the center of Lodi, designed to offer you the highest quality dental care.
At the DENS headquarters in Lodi you will finally be able to find your trusted dentist, ready to face the treatments step by step with you, with the constant support of a team of top-level professionals. Over 5 years ago the Dr. Marco De Angelis has chosen to found DENS and to make it grow year after year in his own territory, Lombardy, concentrating every effort in spreading quality dentistry.
This philosophy has led to the selection of an excellent staff made up of 9 professionals and a hygienist, with the latest generation technologies available.
In support of Dr. Marco De Angelis , you will find the experience and expertise of Dr. Luca De Blasi, of Dr. Alessandro Lena (orthodontist, medical director) , by Dr. Peronnia Alessandro, by Dr . Flore Gianluigi , of Dr. Fallacara Carlo , of Dr . Massarini Matteo and of Dr. Fossati Luca.